Saturday 3 December 2016

Week Three (Ash)

What is life? A phase of being not dead.

And what's death? Not being alive.

The thing about life and death is that they're relative and do not carry their own meanings to them. But for the sake of philosophy, and dreams, life is considered paramount.
Yes, it's true that there are a thousand ways to live beautifully and none to die, just like a thousand ways to love, none to hate. But, like life, death has its own existential worth if you look at it. What an irony. These both are words used too much today. "Life goes on...", thirteen-year old people write. I think what do they, what did I, know about life at thirteen. Nothing. Life is something that changes in the blink of an eye. And I'm almost grateful that I've seen a lot, not everything, not enough, but I've seen a lot, and been through a lot. And I've survived. I've been marred through, but my heart's still beating. There's no speculation as to how life exists. It does. Big bang theory, and I won't go into it because I believe I'm not good at rational subjects like science and math. I'm more of a dreamer, and whereas science defines only one transitory world, I have infinite, immortal worlds in my head. Ah. Things writers can talk about. Death has always been researched into a lot,'s simple. Who wants to die?! Nobody wants to live merely in stories. They want to be a success. Conquerors. Immortal living proofs that if there lies the best, it's in them. But...I don't want to be an immortal. And this isn't even a recent thought. From when I first got to know the word immortal, I decided I didn't want to be it. Things that do not die, corrode slowly. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. They deteriorate into something hideous and unworthy. I do not have any desire to be a receiver of any such infirmities. It's crazy, but yeah.
Death is like a drug...once you get a taste of it, you just want it more. Life is difficult, and death, the matter of a split second. What is worse, life or death? Some of you might answer life, and some, death. But before putting forward my thought upon this question, I must say what life to me is. Life is a passion to everyone. A passion, different for all the seven billion people. These passions coincide, clash, and converge, nonetheless diverge. It's all a matter of mere inconsistency. And death is when it's all achieved. Over. Yes, well technically, it's human nature that no human gets enough of their desires. But there comes a point in life where there's too much consistency, or monotony, and you've had enough of it. That's death. I am a strong believer in the theory that souls are immortal. But, I think...none of them is worse than the other. What's worst is the line in between. Semilife or semideath. The pain of passions dying. No aspirations strong enough to force you out of your bed every fucking morning to face the devils of Insanity. You can not die, you can not live. Overpowering demons and storms of sorrow threaten to clutch your very soul into their claws. Worst. Woe, people, woe. Life and death are peace. That is oblivion. And who doesn't fear oblivion? Certainly not me.
Death, finally I'd like to end with. Death is considered extravagantly hurtful, which yes, undoubtedly it is. Grief. Sorrow. Loss. Breathlessness. I know it all. All my life, if we consider the one and a half decade I've lived as life, I've seen so many new lives and so many deaths. And I have always said the same thing: if it's here, it is bound to die. Anything, anyone. From dust you've come and to dust you shall return. Sooner or later. King of Kings didn't conquer death, so how do you expect yourself too? And trust me, it's better that what gets created gets destroyed too. Because somethings are better off nonexistent anymore.

Week Three (Mayank)

Reaching out with your eyes wide open all I saw was a light that shoved me near towards my eternal reality, dying at the end. Ironical all you feel like but this is something that we all must think of... being born felt like an entry towards the room of happiness. You had everyone's attention, love, care and all the memories you never had even in your wildest dreams. Then you grew up. You realized the world ain't the same as it was before. You were expected to be more responsible, expected to be more and more intelligent, expected to do your own things. The hands that forced you into self-consciousness were the same hands that were bound as a no wage slave over your dreaming paradise. Again you grew old, only a lot this time. Let's say you got a job, a livelihood. Now you gotta work your ass off just so you can get a bread or two and if you are married by then, maybe you will have to work up more than your ass and feet. Hardest and thew most important part of this so called life but this part makes sure you can live off happily through the last course of life, old age. You are again bound to someone for help, for care, for everything. In terms you are a child again, just you seem to have lost that sheet of love you once had upon your virgin head and are dependent on your son, your wife, your daughter for everything. That's the moment when this so called beautiful nightmare feels like a real cold-hearted murder blueprint and you embrace the end with your own cause, death.

Life and Death. Two distinct words with an amazing intermediate fulfilling every puzzle piece ever made. These are the couplets of reality, your reality, my reality. Just like Love and Hate, Hope and Despair. If you are into one you are bound to brace the other. There's no existence of good if you don't have any evil around. No meaning of a temple, if there's no aspirations, ambitions or fear. I mean in my opinion if you live alive well and good, if you live 'a life' with a fear of dying anytime or other then you live a living dead and if you live a life where you have embraced the fact you will die, that's what we call "Life At Its Fullest".

Death is a hot and frustrating topic. You can into a tensed and emotional imbalance talking or discuss death and how may it come... Its gonna happen so why do we have to get all worked up on something so obvious. Remember, we all seem to have an "Ultimate Goal". One we seem to chase and follow. If you think of all the time you have left and its just a small number, a five figure reflection labeled as no. of days. Rather why not achieve it.. your goal, the happiness and the lay ambitiously in the casket that you deserve, one where all your sins are done, all your happiness made worthy and fulfilled and finally lay in the same satisfaction you began this journey, known as Life and gave it an epilogue called Death.....

Someone once said,

"I Have Seen My Death Walking Closer To Me, Getting Closer By Each Second, Each Minute, Each Hour.. Yet I Have Seen Her With No Hurry In Her Eyes,  No Hastiness To Survive, Never Did I Feared This Reality I Was Doomed To Attain.. So I Am Living It To My Fullest Fearing No God Or No Devil... Because I Know She's Gonna Come And I Am Gonna Go....."

PS : sorry been a little busy and had no idea to go with, sorry this one's small but i tried my level best to give it my best shot!!! 

Week Three




Sunday 20 November 2016

Week Two (Ash)

For this one specific topic, I am going to compile some of my older writings, with my later thoughts. I am quite a thinker upon love and heartbreak as there are.

I. I strongly believe love and death are almost the same. They both happen once, and they both take your soul from you. I do not know about afterlife, or for the matter, second love, but I think you die a little bit in every love. Ironic that.
II. It's almost horrifying and shocking that how much,how terrifyingly much,different people really are than what they show. A rose is beautiful,until the thorn penetrates your skin, and in the same way,people are good until reality bites you. In a sick,way,imagination is fatal. It leaves you soulless,eventually. It's a fog of blindness over what you know is evil. Everybody in life is not good. Sadly,very few are,yet I could tell you a million 'good' people with white hearts and red souls exist. Near you. Love is not so much of a fantasy--more poison than elixir. A poison,an intense,destructive power you hand over to people who don't give a damn about whether it's you who's screaming,crying,when everything is up in flames. Love is not tragedy,the people are.
III. But, what I can say is falling in love is more painful than falling out. And something that can only be felt. Not told. It is a too hauntingly beautiful thing to spoil by naming it or assigning words to. You can just feel it like wine on your tongue and mist in your eyes.
The real question is not that will it pain?
The real question is how far shall you let it pain?
IV. If I could ask Time one wish, I'd ask to go back to that moment when I saw you. When I saw your eyes that still haunt me in my dreams. I'd change our paths so that they never meet, because what's happening right now is our fault and not that of the stars. Our stars crossed, but we were too stubborn to let them go different ways. I'd change that moment when you said your loving words to me, and I let down my defenses, and became all too vulnerable to a silent torture called love. I'd change the terrible fate that has made me stand here, and I'd undo all that our eyes said. I'd erase all those pretty memories and then the horrible missing. The nights we spent and the promises we made.
Just so that I could escape this pain of losing you. The pain that's haunting me, shattering me every second. I'd want to undo it all. Undo my love. I want to go back and change it all.
Because, darling, your name still shatters me.
V. We all are merely mounds of flesh, wanting to be tragedies of someone's life.
VI. Before you,
I was someone else.
Before you,
life was something else.
Before you,
feelings were different.
Before you,
days were boring.
Before you,
nights were too dark.
Before you,
love was something afar.
Now you're here,
and I don't really remember
what everything was like
before you.
Darling, they ask
what happened to me...
I say you have happened to me.
VII.There's a drunkenness in loving yourself. Like being smoked upon the ecstasy of love and epochs. You're all to yourself. Nobody, not even darkness, which steals your shadow from you can snatch your soul from you.
VIII. Love you can't run away from, is the worst kind of love.
IX. Lord, teach me how to break somebody's heart and trust, I too want to be the poetry in the ink of their soul. I too want to live forever between these words that I love so much.
X. Some stories do not have happy endings, they end in reality.
XI. You loved me and I became myself.
XII. You poisoned my very name. 
XIII. Cure me with your words, darling.
XIV. So don't fall in love with me. Because if you do, then you shall know why love is the cruelest of them all, why knives hurt a lot lesser than heartbreak and why pain is disguised as an icicle.
It can't be seen, nor leaves a mark but it still kills.
XV. Love is quite simple when you know where it lies. It lies not in plucking stars from heavens, or seeing the moon inferior in comparison. It lies in little gestures we almost forget to do. It lies in a pecks on cheeks, a simple gaze, a laugh, a sudden, honest "I love you", in saying, in reminding the other that you are in love with them. A little reminder of love never hurt anyone. Love lies in small things. It is complicated when you make it. It is pain when you make it.

Can you fathom my thoughts into something you, me and everyone can understand? Because I, being a true Gemini, cannot. My thoughts upon love are too wild, too inconsistent. Heartbreak is fatal. Love is that thin line between poison and elixir. You stumble, falling, tripping all because of love, and it pains. But at the end, it's love, and love only that picks you up and keeps you going. Why? Because as F. Scott Fitzgerald puts it, "At the end, we were all just humans, drunk on the idea that love, and only love can heal our brokenness."

Monday 14 November 2016

Week One (Urvashi😉)

A letter to my friends
             You always complained about how much insensitive and passive I am. How I never express my emotions or care or how much u mean to me. Or how I never sympathise to your feelings. I apologise for this dull behaviour.
                   I'm sure u would be surprised to know that I'm dedicating this special letter to you all. To the ones who have been with me no matter how I behave or what I say or lets sum it up as who are brave n patient enough to handle me.
I don't think I need to glorify or even mention what your friendship means to me. You have always been an essential part of my past, my present and I can see you there in my future still believing in me. You have always been my saviour, my Guardian angel or let me put it as my Guardian devil😉. I don't need to define friendship because many have tried to and let's face it, failed miserably. But still if I were to define this pure bond between us I just have one word to say and that is "YOU".
I'm glad that even after so many fights and violent out bursts and madness you still choose me. You never lost your faith in me. It is said that friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: " WHAT!! You too?? I thought I was the only one." And in our case the same happened. We share the same kind of mental disorder, our souls belong to the same realm. I still remember the first time we met I never knew that you could make such a difference in my life, but here we are naming each other as soul mates.
There are some people in this world who make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live a little better and you are one of them. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. Each and every moment we have shared is a precious gem hoarded in the treasure of life.
I won't apologise for all the inconvenience you have suffered coz you literally signed for this and that too for eternity. I will always be there for you no matter where we are. I strongly believe that a strong friendship does not need daily conversations or being together, as long  as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends are never apart.
I want you to know that when I call you a bitch or jerk you are my bitchs and jerks. There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves. You have taught me what does it actually mean to be friends with someone. It's is to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, let them fight for you. Not to walk away or be distracted, not to be too busy or tired and never to take them for granted. That friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together.
Thank you
Your maniacal chum

Sunday 13 November 2016

Week One (Mayank)

Friendship, what is friendship? If I propose this question to the seven billion of you out there, I might not get seven billion answers but might receive more than five! The only reason I said this, is because I am damn sure that everyone in this sphere of madness has someone to share and talk all his stress and burdens. Having a company makes us feel better and gives us all a spirit to move on. Like I know there are some Emo, Goths, Satanist, etc. who are highly prone to loneliness and despair but try talking to anyone of them in a friendly mood and see the change they show in a day or two. So this basically becomes what we call the “The perks of having a friend”. Actually, the fact is no one can live alone, you might brag, “I don’t need anyone to live a happy life, I myself is enough!!” How long can you carry on then? A day? A week? A year? Maybe few years? Indeed none of you will answer this to me because we all have someone and we need someone to carry on.

So without getting off the rail, let's continue with the question we all started off, what is friendship? Friendship for me is all about trust, understanding, transparency, and faith. I mean I am not going to nerd about all of them, so you might take me as a professor of a very bad philosophical class. Trust, I mean the most important element. It's really important for me so you don’t want to ignore this part. I mean in a friendship, the members involved must have built a spirit that will make them trust each other forever, even if one of them is wrong, we don’t speak it right on his/her face, we prove it wrong together. And this will make our bond more than strong, a bond of love, faith, and understanding. So trust is that adhesive that binds all relations, so why not friendship.

I will go on with telling a little about myself here. I have been a shy, introverted guy for a long time like I always wanted to have a talk with someone but I guess I had no one. I became a narcissist and continued living as one, all this because I hath no trust in anyone. But then someone, actually two of them came into my life. Like they pushed away everything, sin, despair, hatred, remorse, anger, frustration and even anomalous happy mood I had. They started off as someone I just had seen or met by accident. And I will be completely honest when I say I had no intention of getting them both In my life. Just like the saying goes,
“It's so beautiful how two strangers become best friends…..”

But now that they are in my life, I have seen them go through a lot because of me. I mean one of them has suffered a lot just because of my damn mood swings and my expectations. But you know the best part, she never ever gave up on me! Like she has been ready to cry, get hurt and broken, completely drained because of me… I mean I owe her everything. From becoming an optimist to loving the beauty the simple things offer us. I call her “Buddhu” because she is cute in all dumbness she is saturated in. And in the same way, she calls me “Chidku” the one who gets annoyed over all little things. We trust each other soo much, like share everything like in the first place to each other than to anyone else (most of the time ;-p ) We have spent a part of our life with us, you can say it’s an investment made by both of us. And we are more than confirm it will pay off just like the jackpot you got off the stash via the lottery you never thought would be yours.

It’s not like “Ash” gave up on me or I have a personal grudge that I haven’t mentioned her yet, but she is soo much that I was just confused where should I begin when it comes to this beautiful creature (yes, I mean a creature >.<), drenched in hope and has been there in the world I used to live, she know what it feels to be into a world of darkness, hence she know how to help someone like me in a statisticway.  Remember a phrase 
"Better to hurt with the truth than murder with a Lie"
 guess Ash is just saturated to tell me the truth all the time and this has led me to have like an addiction towards this rowdy BFF, I mean I share all my problems with her even though i know the response might hurt me but that helps me to bear the consequences and move on. She actually knows how importance someone might get and the amount of attention important for a particular person. Wow!! like I have the most unique trio of besties for me!! :) :) :)

Actually, the main motive of me writing this all was not to tell you what I feel about my besties, Ash and Buddhu. They already are the best peoples I have ever met and have put my trust in. But to look at it in verbal and intellectual way, I believe friendship is far better than any other relationship. And to my besties, I know you have to go through and bare a lot for me and we have been through a lot. but this is what we have signed each other into and this is our destiny fulfilling into the arms of love, hate, and glory....................

Saturday 12 November 2016

Week One (Ash)

Humans are mere mortals who like a pair of shoes, are fraught when solitary. Right from the childhood, we all are taught making friends. "You should make new friends" , "Don't do like that, he/she is your friend"...and this legacy continues forever. Our children, their children, their children. But I think, friends are not made. Friends are found. By chance, by accident, by incident.
By God's, or if you don't believe in God, fate's, grace, I've always had had amazing people around me who have taken my breath away. Sometimes yes, in the no-good way too. But then there's some people without whom I cannot survive. Out of my haven back home, my family, they're my everything. I need them to inspire me, to keep me going, to keep me believing. Friends. A friend is someone who loves you when you hate yourself. If you think friendship is easy, I want to take this opportunity to tell you that it's absolutely not. If life is a roller-coaster, friendship is the track. Love, I don't want to talk about now. It goes up and down and round and straight and phewww. It's not easy, but at the end of the day, you feel wonderful. Wonderful with all the joy and adventure and affection. It's like a mist over your heart that never fades. Love in a friendship, I cherish the most. What really friendship to me be honest when I got to thinking upon this topic, I found that it is terribly difficult to write about. Why? Because friendship means something different to everyone. Because friendship can be only felt, and unlike love, cannot be written about. You can tell love splatters hearts, because you've seen it. Tell me how many times have you seen those splattered emotions being turned into a castle by friendship? Rarely. People don't tell about friendship. Love is analysed every freaking day by someone. Friendship, no. But, I'm glad I did get such an awesome gang of the worst yet best people that they force me into thinking that how extremely valuable friendship is. Or rather how friendship is invaluable. So precious. It's my friends that have saved me, cured me. They've made me laugh, made me cry, made me angry, and have even gone to insane lengths to apologize. Somewhere sometimes looking at them I become so overwhelmed by the feeling of pure ecstasy and affection that I literally can't do anything except being grateful. I must've done something great to have them in my life. However stupid, however insane, however infuriating they are, they still are my life. I look forward to seeing them. I miss them. Even in two minutes. I'm a little too high on them, I guess. Memories. I believe I have a great stock of stories to tell to my posterity.
I am the imperfect girl who runs into walls often, messes everything up, forgets doing things, and then goes into hyperventilating mode and then shouts and screams and does whatnot. But still these idiots uphold all my demands and bear through with my silliest of tantrums. Complaints? I don't listen to any😉 Who does when your friends pamper you so much? They've basically signed into my troubling them by being my friends. They have to go through stuff like this.
Nothing is perfect and I know it. Even though humans can't be solitary, being with another human always, always arises conflict, a spark in them. So we fight too. Quarrel. Don't talk. But, we never forget. We never stop caring. We never stop loving. And how long? One 
hour, two hours. That's the most we can stay away from each other. With the relation we have between us, our very cores are attached with a bond stronger than diamond, we cannot be afar. And that's what friendship to me is. Attachment. Little promises, not necessarily in words, but eyes too. Little promises like care, respect and love. The too much abused sentence in cliché love stories that "I won't ever forget you" in friendship is real to me. And I know, even if often we do not voice it, the threads of our past are too strong to be broken so easily by a force so pathetic as fate. Because even though fate will send us apart, was once upon a time fate itself that brought us together.
I love you all guys. Each one of you. For all the fights, laughs, memories and insanity. All my best to y'all. Shout out to you people: Ani, Makku, Harshi, Ginni, Momo, Chanu, Aadi, Don, Prateek bhaiyya...they're the worst sufferers and survivors of the disaster they call Ash😂.

Find friendship. Its value is much more than anything else even could be.
Ciao until next week!

Friday 11 November 2016

Week : One










About us

Where should I begin this so called introduction of myself, cuz there's a billion ways to tell everyone who I am and where I belong! Each verse with its own reality and all my worshiping duality. So I am Mayank, Mayank Gupta but I like myself as Mac Eleven. I am a teenager that you might recognize by the way I am writing this stuff. I am into all kinds of things you did not expected me. I love writing and reading stuffs, novels, stories, poetries! My sense of English language has built up over stacks over these years, and literally I have never been in love with anyone for so long. Other things that I like, music is one of em! I love metal and heavy metal music. I am all about fast beats, blast beats and death riffs. Heavy metal, death metal, deathcore! Yeah these things excite me and inspire me to move on! I am a pretty good slacker but when it comes to writing something, trust me you won't find anyone as active as this 17 yrs. old lad sitting on this side. I am so much more yet I would say, sometimes an asshole with a down bottom vices lingering inside his tiny teenage head while on the other can be the most trustworthy personality in the world. So, if you want to be with me, you better know the basics to stay head to head with my spirit bud!

I believe, strongly and passionately, that though we all are the same, bobbing colliding mere molecules, yet there's a different spark in each one, each one a dazzling fire. I also believe everyone is not the same person always. Everybody has their own under the blanket self, the evil one, the amazed one...the scared one. Some people are silence and some are iridescent colors. Yet I have a notion about myself that I'm somewhere where the silence is colorful and words are eternal.
I call myself Ash, like the remnants of after a fire burns out. Why? When I write my name, there's no speculation regarding it. It can be easily taken for short of my real name. The real reason I haven't told yet anyone to is that I call myself Ash because I want to be a symbol that even the fraught, even mere ashes, can be beautiful, can make beautiful, and is worthwhile.
I fell in love with English long before anything else, and I'm absolutely grateful that this love has only increased like anything everyday. I take myself to be an absurdly confused and still-figuring-myself writer. Dreamer, Logophile. I am the least sarcastic person, if you know what I mean. I am in a never ending relationship with food and sleep, and have a book fetish. Music is my soul!
That's all I guess.
Thank you!.
--Ashrada Deodhar <3

I don't really understand why we are to introduce ourselves when till the end of time. We are trying to find ourselves in the worldly chaos. But for the sake of unwritten law, this is Urvashi Deshpande .I have never really been into writing and my participation in this blog is just because I'm working on myself for myself by myself. I'm an avid reader and an observer. I read about life. I have also got wanderlust in my veins. Fickle has always been fun for me. I switch from one to another very quickly. I don't want to bore you by just blabbering about me and my hobbies. I'm just a normal stripling with many dreams. I fly. I crawl. I weep. I laugh. I swim. I grow. I fall. I need . I want. I follow. I break. I sink. I love. I exist.
Thank you 😉😉
--Urvashi Deshpande ;-p

Yeah that I m an introvert (sort off) ☺ love to read particularly suspense n thrill👮🏼crazy fan of d Indian army(wanna join it)😉 n also a big fan of basketball n have a dream to pen down my writings. enough with ambitions, now what do I love as my pleasure time??
I love spending my whole time in the bowl of nature in its warm embrace and also in the holy hands of the lord. I have been into this love of writing for a long time and now I feel its time to show the world what can I be, so hold your breath for an exciting journey towards my own written biography!! ;-) ;-)

--Avni Gupta >.<

One misconception forever bothering me is the belief that blogging doesn't work unless its meta and so is our blog , a beautiful way by which I could express myself. I'm just a teenager, same as you, sharing the same views, dealing with the same problems and situations and wanting to live my life to the fullest. Each one of us is different and special in our own ways and so am I, one of you , Shruti Pathariya, a diehard fan of basketball and football , love to read and kinda love reading every genre I could. I have music in my veins and heart and yeah that's passed right from my ancestral legacy. I love to Sing and aspire to be a singer, love painting, and dance is what I crave for at times. As a mere human, I believe everyone's life is messy and are confused how to deal with , so was I struggling my own ways and so I'm going to inspire and help people around me by doing anything I can even if it's something really small. I Love doing crazy stuff, being insane, loving what I do and what I get. I too strongly aspire to serve in the army as its the most inspiring job I could've found will one day. Now it's enough said about myself . I've never been into writing and don't deserve to I guess, but it is a way I can express myself, and discover what I really am.
--Shruti Pathariya :-*


Hypothesis: noun
1. a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
2. a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations

Why have poets and writers poured so much of their inks on fair papers as crisp as summer mornings to write about one thing? Why do Science and Math, the universally upheld subjects in twenty-first century, can but just back down about one thing? Why do Science and Math, the universally upheld subjects in twenty-first century, can but just back down on one thing, can't explain it? Why does every seven billion species of this deviates from the other? Why?

The thing we're talking about?

Seven billion, none same.
Seven billion, no thought same.
Seven billion, each beautiful.

How miraculous existence is...we all think different. Each thoughts to self, but people like us, hearts like ours can't keep them to ourselves. We want to say. Write. Speak. Make. Create. Show. Display.
Four out of seven billion, thoughts on the same point.

What can we call the so many ways to reach it through hearts?
Heart Hypotheses.

Welcome to the catastrophes and perks of being a thoughtful heart....