Saturday 3 December 2016

Week Three (Mayank)

Reaching out with your eyes wide open all I saw was a light that shoved me near towards my eternal reality, dying at the end. Ironical all you feel like but this is something that we all must think of... being born felt like an entry towards the room of happiness. You had everyone's attention, love, care and all the memories you never had even in your wildest dreams. Then you grew up. You realized the world ain't the same as it was before. You were expected to be more responsible, expected to be more and more intelligent, expected to do your own things. The hands that forced you into self-consciousness were the same hands that were bound as a no wage slave over your dreaming paradise. Again you grew old, only a lot this time. Let's say you got a job, a livelihood. Now you gotta work your ass off just so you can get a bread or two and if you are married by then, maybe you will have to work up more than your ass and feet. Hardest and thew most important part of this so called life but this part makes sure you can live off happily through the last course of life, old age. You are again bound to someone for help, for care, for everything. In terms you are a child again, just you seem to have lost that sheet of love you once had upon your virgin head and are dependent on your son, your wife, your daughter for everything. That's the moment when this so called beautiful nightmare feels like a real cold-hearted murder blueprint and you embrace the end with your own cause, death.

Life and Death. Two distinct words with an amazing intermediate fulfilling every puzzle piece ever made. These are the couplets of reality, your reality, my reality. Just like Love and Hate, Hope and Despair. If you are into one you are bound to brace the other. There's no existence of good if you don't have any evil around. No meaning of a temple, if there's no aspirations, ambitions or fear. I mean in my opinion if you live alive well and good, if you live 'a life' with a fear of dying anytime or other then you live a living dead and if you live a life where you have embraced the fact you will die, that's what we call "Life At Its Fullest".

Death is a hot and frustrating topic. You can into a tensed and emotional imbalance talking or discuss death and how may it come... Its gonna happen so why do we have to get all worked up on something so obvious. Remember, we all seem to have an "Ultimate Goal". One we seem to chase and follow. If you think of all the time you have left and its just a small number, a five figure reflection labeled as no. of days. Rather why not achieve it.. your goal, the happiness and the lay ambitiously in the casket that you deserve, one where all your sins are done, all your happiness made worthy and fulfilled and finally lay in the same satisfaction you began this journey, known as Life and gave it an epilogue called Death.....

Someone once said,

"I Have Seen My Death Walking Closer To Me, Getting Closer By Each Second, Each Minute, Each Hour.. Yet I Have Seen Her With No Hurry In Her Eyes,  No Hastiness To Survive, Never Did I Feared This Reality I Was Doomed To Attain.. So I Am Living It To My Fullest Fearing No God Or No Devil... Because I Know She's Gonna Come And I Am Gonna Go....."

PS : sorry been a little busy and had no idea to go with, sorry this one's small but i tried my level best to give it my best shot!!! 

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