Saturday 12 November 2016

Week One (Ash)

Humans are mere mortals who like a pair of shoes, are fraught when solitary. Right from the childhood, we all are taught making friends. "You should make new friends" , "Don't do like that, he/she is your friend"...and this legacy continues forever. Our children, their children, their children. But I think, friends are not made. Friends are found. By chance, by accident, by incident.
By God's, or if you don't believe in God, fate's, grace, I've always had had amazing people around me who have taken my breath away. Sometimes yes, in the no-good way too. But then there's some people without whom I cannot survive. Out of my haven back home, my family, they're my everything. I need them to inspire me, to keep me going, to keep me believing. Friends. A friend is someone who loves you when you hate yourself. If you think friendship is easy, I want to take this opportunity to tell you that it's absolutely not. If life is a roller-coaster, friendship is the track. Love, I don't want to talk about now. It goes up and down and round and straight and phewww. It's not easy, but at the end of the day, you feel wonderful. Wonderful with all the joy and adventure and affection. It's like a mist over your heart that never fades. Love in a friendship, I cherish the most. What really friendship to me be honest when I got to thinking upon this topic, I found that it is terribly difficult to write about. Why? Because friendship means something different to everyone. Because friendship can be only felt, and unlike love, cannot be written about. You can tell love splatters hearts, because you've seen it. Tell me how many times have you seen those splattered emotions being turned into a castle by friendship? Rarely. People don't tell about friendship. Love is analysed every freaking day by someone. Friendship, no. But, I'm glad I did get such an awesome gang of the worst yet best people that they force me into thinking that how extremely valuable friendship is. Or rather how friendship is invaluable. So precious. It's my friends that have saved me, cured me. They've made me laugh, made me cry, made me angry, and have even gone to insane lengths to apologize. Somewhere sometimes looking at them I become so overwhelmed by the feeling of pure ecstasy and affection that I literally can't do anything except being grateful. I must've done something great to have them in my life. However stupid, however insane, however infuriating they are, they still are my life. I look forward to seeing them. I miss them. Even in two minutes. I'm a little too high on them, I guess. Memories. I believe I have a great stock of stories to tell to my posterity.
I am the imperfect girl who runs into walls often, messes everything up, forgets doing things, and then goes into hyperventilating mode and then shouts and screams and does whatnot. But still these idiots uphold all my demands and bear through with my silliest of tantrums. Complaints? I don't listen to any😉 Who does when your friends pamper you so much? They've basically signed into my troubling them by being my friends. They have to go through stuff like this.
Nothing is perfect and I know it. Even though humans can't be solitary, being with another human always, always arises conflict, a spark in them. So we fight too. Quarrel. Don't talk. But, we never forget. We never stop caring. We never stop loving. And how long? One 
hour, two hours. That's the most we can stay away from each other. With the relation we have between us, our very cores are attached with a bond stronger than diamond, we cannot be afar. And that's what friendship to me is. Attachment. Little promises, not necessarily in words, but eyes too. Little promises like care, respect and love. The too much abused sentence in cliché love stories that "I won't ever forget you" in friendship is real to me. And I know, even if often we do not voice it, the threads of our past are too strong to be broken so easily by a force so pathetic as fate. Because even though fate will send us apart, was once upon a time fate itself that brought us together.
I love you all guys. Each one of you. For all the fights, laughs, memories and insanity. All my best to y'all. Shout out to you people: Ani, Makku, Harshi, Ginni, Momo, Chanu, Aadi, Don, Prateek bhaiyya...they're the worst sufferers and survivors of the disaster they call Ash😂.

Find friendship. Its value is much more than anything else even could be.
Ciao until next week!


  1. Gotta say Ash that one touched me deep.... thank you....

    1. Yeah well I know I'm awesome you're welcome😁😉
